Famiily Services Perth-Huron


We believe our communities are strengthened one family at a time. We offer a range of services to help your family to live your best life today.
a large oak tree with sun shining through brances

About Family Services Perth-Huron

Family Services Perth-Huron (FSPH) was established in 1971, in Stratford, Ontario, as a private, non-profit, community-based registered charity. Today we provide a wide range of family counselling and developmental support services across Perth, Huron, Grey and Bruce Counties. Our programs are funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, the Ministry of Health and a variety of community-based funders. 

FSPH is dedicated to supporting, strengthening and enriching the lives of individuals, couples and families through individualized counselling, developmental support services and advocacy to meet the needs of the community. We work closely with other services within the community on your behalf to create a plan best suited to your situation. We can also, with your consent, provide information and referrals to other local community services.

Our supports and services are provided in a warm, confidential, accessible setting. Some supports can occur in your home and within the community.

Our Services

Man talking to psychologist on sofa


Family Services Perth-Huron offers private, confidential counselling and social service supports to individuals, couples, families, groups and workplaces. Our counsellors have a diverse experince and extensive training in trauma informed counselling and supports. Counsellors are registered with their regulatory colleges (Social Work or Psychotherapy) and have an educational background in a related discipline. This allows us to match you with an experienced counsellor qualified to suit your needs. We believe counselling is rooted in creating a safe space in a trusting therapeutic relationship.
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a family getting counselling

Family Support

At times we all need a break. Family Services Perth-Huron can help you care for yourself or a dependent family member through services such as respite care, community participation supports (like recreation, volunteering, employment or in-home supports), residential supports, specialized services, person-directed planning and other supports. Supports are available for children and adults with special needs to become more involved in their communities.
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Familyhome is a unique program designed to give a person who has a developmental disability (Homesharer), the opportunity to live in a family setting where a person can gradually learn to live more independently as a valued member of the community. 
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Missing puzzle piece with Join Us written in the space

Work With Us

Family Services Perth-Huron offers opportunities to join our team, volunteer through our Board of Directors or through our Familyhome Program, or be screened and matched to an individual or family to provide one-to-one support as a self-employed independent contractor. Click on "Learn More" for current opportunities.
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